DD-Scientific manufacture a range of electrochemical gas sensors for monitoring Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S).
  • Our range of H2S sensors includes those which detect from 0-50ppm, 0-100ppm, 0-200ppm and 0-300ppm and 0-5000ppm, collectively satisfying a broad range of applications.  

  • We manufacture H2S sensors in 3-series, 4-series, 7-series, SE type and the compact DCel package options. 

  • Key benefits of DDS H2S sensors include high-accuracy, high stability, fast response/recovery and robust environmental performance. 

  • With the ability to meet high-volume requirements whilst delivering consistent high-quality, DDS are first choice provider of H2S sensors to many of the worlds leading instrument and device OEMs.

⚠️  Learn more about the dangers of Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S).
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What are the potential hazards of Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S)?

Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) is a colourless, flammable gas with a characteristic rotten egg odour, commonly encountered in industrial settings, wastewater treatment facilities, and natural gas extraction sites. Despite its distinctive smell at low concentrations, H2S can quickly desensitise the sense of smell, making it imperceptible at higher levels.

Key gas hazards associated with Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) include:

H2S is highly toxic and can cause rapid respiratory failure, loss of consciousness, and death in high concentrations. Exposure to even low concentrations can lead to symptoms such as eye irritation, headache, nausea, and respiratory distress.

H2S is flammable and can ignite in the presence of air, oxygen, or other oxidising agents, posing fire and explosion risks.

Workers in industries such as oil and gas, wastewater treatment, and agriculture are at risk of exposure to H2S, requiring proper training, personal protective equipment, and gas monitoring systems.

Mitigate risk with DD-Scientific

Understanding the hazards associated with H2S is vital for implementing effective prevention strategies and ensuring the safety of individuals in their workplace environments.

Mitigation of H2S related risks relies upon fast, precise and reliable detection, features DDS sensors are guaranteed to deliver.

If you can't find the sensor type you are looking for or need help with sensor selection don't hesitate to get in touch.