DD-Scientific produce sensori elettrochimici per il monitoraggio sia del Monossido di Carbonio (CO) che del Solfuro di Idrogeno (H2S) all'interno di una singola cella.
  • I nostri sensori tossici duali sono disponibili con una scelta di due intervalli operativi 0-1000 ppm CO / 0-200 ppm H2S nel formato standard di settore 4-series e 0-1000 ppm / 0-100 ppm H2S nel formato compatto DceL.

  • I principali vantaggi dei sensori tossici doppi DDS sono l'alta stabilità, la rapida risposta/recupero e l'estremamente bassa cross-sensibilità all'H2S sull'elettrodo CO.

  • Con la capacità di soddisfare requisiti ad alto volume mantenendo una qualità costante e elevata, DDS è il fornitore di sensori Dual Toxic di prima scelta per molti dei principali OEM di strumenti e dispositivi del mondo.

⚠️ Scopri di più su i pericoli del Monossido di Carbonio (CO) e dell'Idrogeno Solforato (H2S)).
🔍 Usa i filtri qui sotto per selezionare il tuo sensore preferito.
Dual Toxic (CO & H2S)
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0 selezionato Ripristina
0 selezionato Ripristina

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2 Risultati

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Visualizzazione 2 di 2 prodotti

What are the potential hazards of Carbon Monoxide (CO)?

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colourless, odourless gas produced by incomplete combustion of carbon-containing fuels. Despite its lack of detectable characteristics, CO is highly toxic and poses significant risks to human health.

Key gas hazards associated with Carbon Monoxide (CO) include:

CO binds to hemoglobin in the blood, reducing its oxygen-carrying capacity. Prolonged exposure can lead to symptoms such as headache, dizziness, nausea, confusion, and eventually unconsciousness and death.

Common sources of CO include vehicle exhaust, malfunctioning heating systems, gas appliances, and fires. Poorly ventilated or enclosed spaces increase the risk of CO accumulation.

Due to its lack of colour, taste, and smell, CO can go unnoticed without proper detection equipment. CO detectors are crucial for early warning and prevention of CO poisoning.

What are the potential hazards of Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S)?

Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) is a colorless, flammable gas with a characteristic rotten egg odor, commonly encountered in industrial settings, wastewater treatment facilities, and natural gas extraction sites. Despite its distinctive smell at low concentrations, H2S can quickly desensitize the sense of smell, making it imperceptible at higher levels.

Here are the key gas hazards associated with Hydrogen Sulphide(H2S):

H2S is highly toxic and can cause rapid respiratory failure, loss of consciousness, and death in high concentrations. Exposure to even low concentrations can lead to symptoms such as eye irritation, headache, nausea, and respiratory distress.

H2S is flammable and can ignite in the presence of air, oxygen, or other oxidizing agents, posing fire and explosion risks.

Workers in industries such as oil and gas, wastewater treatment, and agriculture are at risk of exposure to H2S, requiring proper training, personal protective equipment, and gas monitoring systems.

Mitigate risk with DD-Scientific

Understanding the hazards associated with CO and H2S are vital in ensuring the safety of individuals who may be exposed to them. 

DDS dual toxic sensors provide the ability to detect both gases in a single, compact sensor, reducing instrument size and cost.

If you cant find the sensor type you are looking for or need help with sensor selection dont hesitate to get in touch.